Here is the form..just copied and pasted..easier than trying to fax everywhere, now needs revision re: ATS, other information needed, but is a good place for anyone who needs it to start. We send a copy to materials, only way they get a VAC, previously the docs would order "VAC" and the nurses made up whatever, now with this there are specific instructions to the nurses, discharge planners and the docs on what info is needed. Thanks for all of the prayers, Enjoy! Pat McDonald, ARNP, CWOCN Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (VAC) PRE-PRINTED ORDERS 1. Type of Wound: Pressure Ulcer, Neuropathic Ulcer , Surgical/Trauma Wound (circle most appropriate) Other____________ 2. Wound Location : ________________ 3. Wound Dimensions: Length___________ Width___________ Depth__________ (Please note presence of tunneling or undermining) 4. Type of VAC Stationary VAC (if expected drainage > 15cc/24 hrs, large or multiple wounds) Mini VAC (if expected drainage < 15cc/24 hrs or very small wound) Deliver VAC to _________________ by __________. Location date 5. Change dressing; MD or Nursing or CNS (circle who will do the dressing change) In 24 hours then q 48 hrs thereafter or In 24 hours then q MWF thereafter Other ______________________ 3. Set Suction (circle one) · at default levels of 125mmHg for stationary VAC or · Other __________________ 4. VAC settings: (circle one) · Continuous or Intermittent · Continuous x 24, then Intermittent 5. Wound Consult (call the referral line 4-4810 or pager 4707) 6. Social Service/Case Management Consult (necessary for all VAC dressings for discharge planning). 7. Dietary Consult for nutrition therapy, if not already done. 8. Measure wound weekly and record length, width, and depth 9. Type of Dressing: Stationary VAC Black Small #______ required Medium #______ required Large #_______ required White #_______ required Mini VAC Black 1 (one) each x # dressing changes = total ________ White 1 (one) each x # dressing changes = total _________ 10. ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES: · Cannisters #______ required · Extension tubing #______ required · Extra drape #______ required 11. If being discharged to home with a standard VAC , please order @ discharge: · A standard suction machine with a back-up battery pack · Extension tubing.